
[b00bs] management (1 Member)
Nickname: Position: Contact: Activity:
Macedonia The-spiki offline Founder & Leader active
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[b00bs] Urban Terror match team
[b00bs] Urban Terror match team (34 members) [ Results | Awards | Challenge ]
[b00bs] Urban Terror match team
Nickname: Position: Contact: Activity:
Macedonia The-spiki offline Leader active
Slovak Republic nikes offline Sword crosser active
United Kingdom Dan offline Match Captain active
Germany RAW-mEAT offline Match Captain active
United Kingdom JediMind offline Match Captain active
United Kingdom SubZ offline Match Captain active
Portugal Am!sh offline Torero active
France Archus offline Laundro door active
Slovak Republic bo100nka offline Boomer active
Serbia Dignja offline CB Arranger active
Croatia duhfysa offline Team camper active
USA Dr.Spaceman offline Sentrygun active
Croatia Fides offline Brick wall active
France leeks offline Guy cannon inactive
United Kingdom Maku offline Skeetshooter active
Germany Nebel offline Teh brainz active
USA RayLewis offline Superbowl active
Germany Qant offline Wayne active
Netherlands -=SATAN=- offline GodParticle active
Serbia SexPistol offline Terrorist active
USA wINnAR offline active
Canada solitary offline Canadian WMD active
Argentina Strawberry offline The <3 active
Canada offline Currency converter active
USA upNya offline Biggest gun active
Colombia you-hds offline Hacker active
France Orphal offline Back you email inactive
Canada s0rr0w offline Mountie inactive
Ecuador Garterbelt offline Ears inactive
Canada Velocity offline Coffee breaker active
Portugal Mamahki offline Getting demoed inactive
Netherlands Jewboy offline Surfer legend active
Poland Fre*doM offline Stealing kills inactive
Germany *Infinity offline Hand washer inactive
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[b00bs] (53 members) [ Results | Awards | Challenge ]
ALL [b00bs]
TODO, will be sorted by join date
Nickname: Position: Contact: Activity:
Colombia you-hds offline active
Slovak Republic nikes offline active
United Kingdom JediMind offline active
Germany Monsterkitty offline inactive
Sweden Barney offline email inactive
Germany RAW-mEAT offline active
Ecuador Garterbelt offline active
France Archus offline active
Belgium TripleD offline email active
Netherlands Jewboy offline active
Austria No_More offline active
Germany Nebel offline active
Slovak Republic bo100nka offline active
France leeks offline active
Argentina Strawberry offline The <3 active
USA wINnAR offline active
USA RayLewis offline active
Croatia Fides offline active
USA Dr.Spaceman offline active
Serbia SexPistol offline active
Serbia Dignja offline active
Croatia duhfysa offline active
India PhOeNiX*.* offline inactive
USA Your_Creator offline active
Poland Fre*doM offline active
France Orphal offline email active
Canada s0rr0w offline active
Belgium Ritsuka offline inactive
Canada dowgl offline inactive
United Kingdom SubZ offline Arranger active
United Kingdom Dan offline active
Portugal Am!sh offline active
USA upNya offline active
Macedonia The-spiki offline Leader active
Canada gdl357 offline email active
Canada Velocity offline active
USA haydugjr offline inactive
Germany *Infinity offline inactive
Portugal Mamahki offline inactive
Serbia Burecki offline email inactive
Serbia MasterBlaster offline inactive
Serbia Doww offline inactive
Serbia Iceman offline inactive
USA TerrordactyL offline inactive
Slovenia Joker offline inactive
Germany Rico / Senthex / Rythex offline email inactive
Germany Alex offline email inactive
USA stabber offline inactive
USA Killzme offline inactive
Canada samcrow offline inactive
Serbia Boris offline inactive
Germany Ost[F]ront offline inactive
USA Ronald_Reagan offline inactive
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[b00bs] CoD MW3 team
[b00bs] CoD MW3 team (14 members) [ Results | Awards | Challenge ]
[b00bs] Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 team
Nickname: Position: Contact: Activity:
United Kingdom Dan offline CoD MW3 team leader active
Macedonia The-spiki offline active
United Kingdom SubZ offline active
Poland Fre*doM offline active
Belgium TripleD offline email active
Slovak Republic nikes offline active
France Archus offline active
Sweden Barney offline email inactive
Croatia duhfysa offline active
Ecuador Garterbelt offline active
Germany RAW-mEAT offline active
Canada s0rr0w offline active
Germany *Infinity offline inactive
Canada Velocity offline active
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[b00bs] AVA team
[b00bs] AVA team (2 members) [ Results | Awards | Challenge ]
Alliance of Valiant Arms team
Nickname: Position: Contact: Activity:
Germany Rico / Senthex / Rythex offline email active
Germany Alex offline email active
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former members
former members (13 members) [ Results | Awards | Challenge ]
Former [b00bs] members.
TODO sort by leave date
Nickname: Position: Contact: Activity:
France The_Noobit offline email inactive
French Southern Territories Ottovonbayern offline inactive
Germany Omtek offline inactive
Colombia ZERO offline email inactive
United Kingdom Primevil offline inactive
USA Ace offline inactive
USA RampantLion offline inactive
USA ah$ek offline inactive
United Kingdom kyle offline inactive
USA Geordi offline inactive
United Kingdom Champ2012 offline active
Germany HaShMaN offline email active
France Slash offline inactive
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Show only:


Not a Teamspeak 3 server/bad query port

[b00bs] clan SERVERS
[b00bs] USA Uptown only CTF
[b00bs] USA Uptown only TS
[b00bs] USA Snipers only
[b00bs] Downtown 27967
[b00bs] USA Jump Maps
[b00bs] UK funmap only TS
[b00bs] EURO Uptown CTF
[b00bs] EURO Uptown TS
[b00bs] EURO Uptown TDM
[b00bs] EURO Uptown BOMB
[b00bs] EURO Pronmaps only
[b00bs] Return The Frag CTF
[b00bs] EURO Boobstown TS
[b00bs] BOMB this shit out
[b00bs] Deutsch Mutterschiff
[b00bs] EURO Uptown SNOW
[b00bs] EURO Uptown FFA
[b00bs] EURO Jump maps
[b00bs] EURO Jumpers
[b00bs] Dust2 only
[b00bs] UK Red Eclipse